Grow Beach: A Portable Environment
Grow Beach: A Portable Environment is a 2-part portable, interactive space designed for the CSULB Grow Beach University Garden. Users can enjoy a visual organic plant display, learn about the Grow Beach University Garden, and plant a seed of their own.
Project Brief
As an exercise in placemaking, student teams were to select an organization, create a branded environment, construct it out of reclaimed materials, and ensure it had an afterlife. My team selected the CSULB Grow Beach University Garden as our client and designed a 2-part portable interactive space. The first part was a collapsible structure with hooks for hanging plants and graphics. The second part was a mobile planter table. We constructed the entire project out of used Ikea bed slats, leftover wood from the Grow Beach planter boxes, used plastic Starbucks cups and coffee grounds, and unrecyclable Keurig cups. The structure was donated to the garden at completion for continued use.
Featured Project
Grow Beach was featured at the CSULB Design Department's Environmental Communication Show "Transformations" in December of 2015.
Award Winner
Grow Beach was displayed at the CSULB Green Generation Mixer at the Earl Burns Miller Japanese Garden in April of 2016. It was selected by the CSULB Sustainability Department and a panel of judges on sustainability as an award winning project.
Material Selection, Organization Selection, Develop, Construct, Deliver
Ideation, Construction, Presentation
Team Members
Melanie Tran & Earvin Tucay
Fall Concert in the Garden at CSULB - November 2015
The overall 8'x8' structure is comprised of a 2-part collapsible panel system constructed from used Ikea bed slats. Hooks were added to allow for the hanging of graphics and plants. The structure is also on wheels to allow for easy transport. It is lit by LED string lights, making it ideal for both day and night use.

Planter Table
The mobile planter table is constructed from leftover wood utilized during the building of the garden's planter boxes. It has drop-leaf style table surfaces on both sides to allow users to plant seeds.